HB0947 Renewal Courses
Frostburg State University
Frostburg State University is offering a one credit online course through edX edge that is designed for counselors to obtain recertification credit and satisfy MSDE requirement for training on Lauryn’s Law. The course does not require admission to Frostburg State University. However, you can transfer the SPOC credit into an existing program of study at Frostburg State University. The course has been approved by MSDE for one Continuing Professional Development (CPD) credit.
Kim Rotruck, Ed.D. Acting Associate Dean College of Education krotruck@frostburg.edu 301-687-4216
The QPR Institute
The QPR mission is to reduce suicidal behaviors and save lives by providing innovative, practical and proven suicide prevention training. The signs of crisis are all around us. We believe that quality education empowers all people, regardless of their background, to make a positive difference in the life of someone they know.
Hood College
NEW COURSE OFFERING: Register now for "Crisis Response, Suicide Prevention & Lauryn's Law" (COUN 5990) and meet your HB 947 PD requirement for MSDE certification renewal.
Mental Health First Aid MD
Mental Health First Aid MD - https://www.mhamd.org/what-we-do/training/mental-health-first-aid-maryland/
Mental Health First Aid® Maryland is a public education national certification course designed to teach individuals, professionals, businesses, and community members the skills necessary to respond with care and genuine support to an individual experiencing a mental health or substance use concern or crisis. Mental health problems are common and, with the right help, wellness and recovery are possible. Since its inception, over 40,000 Mental Health First Aiders have been trained—creating more caring, safe, and supportive communities throughout Maryland.
The Master of Science degree in Counseling (School Counseling Specialization) meets or exceed requirements for certification by the Maryland Department of Education (MSDE) and the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) by way of completing a counseling practicum (100 hours) as well as an internship within a school setting (600 hours; MD teachers of three or more years require a minimum of 200 hours). Upon graduation, you will be eligible to become a public or private school counselor.